Yeah, That Just Happened

I had several “yeah, that just happened” moments over the last week.

My friend Katie sent me an email labeled “Clemson TOMS”.  I then proceeded to purchase my third pair of TOMSphoto 2 (2)They arrived yesterday, “yeah, that just happened”

I attempted my own version of a tempo run on Monday night.  My game plan was to run a total of four miles with the first and last miles moderate and push myself harder for the middle two.  I ended up doing one of the middle miles in 9:29 min/mi.  That is a fast pace for me when I normally do between 10:30 and 11:00 minute miles.  “Yeah, that just happened”4 mile tempo

As I was sitting down for dinner the other night, the chair broke underneath me.  I did not want to eat dinner after that (but I did because I was starving).  I cannot believe I broke a kitchen chair.  I guess I need to go out for more tempo runs.broken chair

After my “tempo” run on Monday, I told myself I would take it easy on Wednesday and just go on feel.  Well my body felt like doing some negative splits and a pretty decent overall pace.  A second fairly speedy run for the week “yeah, that just happened”.5 miles

The biggest “yeah, that just happened” moment occurred last Friday when I turned this into my bossportion of resignation letter

Yep, I quit my job and am moving to Atlanta the first of March.  I have never been more excited, scared, terrified, and thrilled in my life before.  It is a big step, but I am ready to make it.  If anyone in the blog world knows of anyone hiring in Atlanta, please let me know.  I would like to pursue a career in marketing or social media marketing.

What were your, “yeah, that just happened” moments for the week?

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3 Responses to Yeah, That Just Happened

  1. Brittany says:

    Oh my gosh I had to laugh at the broken chair..HAHA! I would feel the same way about wanting to eat. Glad you still ate though!! Congratulations on quitting your job! I hope you have a great adventure these next few months!

  2. fitin52 says:

    I’ve nominated your for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award! (Yeah, that just happened! LOL!)

    Here are the rules:

    ~Display the award logo on your blog (copy and paste it from my blog)
    ~Link back to the person who nominated you
    ~State 7 things about yourself
    ~Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and link to them
    ~Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

    Keep blogging!

  3. Reblogged this on idanceilove and commented:
    When I first saw these i literally gasped… Soooo cute, i really like the inside pattern. Although that would be really cute on the outside of the shoe! C:

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